Professor Emmert has been advising large and medium-sized enterprises in international business transactions for more than 30 years. Preferably, clients will involve Professor Emmert already in the negotiating stages, when they are hammering out the details of an international business transaction, to avoid mistakes that could be difficult to overcome at a later stage. Poorly drafted contracts for IBTs are costing enterprises billions every year, losses that could often be avoided at a fraction of the cost. Thus, commercial entities - every time they are about to enter into an IBT, even if it seems routine - should ask themselves whether they have adequate representation with knowledge of the business, the legal systems in the countries involved, and the options with regard to choice of law and choice of dispute settlement and their respective consequences.
While Professor Emmert will be glad to respond to inquiries directly from enterprises, he is more commonly approached by their legal counsel who are facing a situation that goes beyond their usual involvement and may require additional knowledge and skills. While this may be apparent at the drafting stages, it is often becoming urgent at the time when a dispute has arisen or seems imminent.
specific areas of law and business
Specific consulting experience in international business law, blockchain and digital currency transactions, competition or antitrust law, customs & trade law, international investment law, emerging regulation of artificial intelligence (AI), inter-national shipping and insurance law, trade finance, Sharia-compliant financing of business transactions, intellectual property protection, as well as international commercial litigation and arbitration;
specific contract law and trade finance experience with the application of substantive legal systems: UCC, Restatement 2nd of Contracts, CISG, CFR, Unidroit Principles of Int’l Commercial Contracts, Swiss and German law, English law, French law, EU law ÷ specific experience with UCP 600, ISP98, URDG 758, UCC Articles 4A and 5;
specific shipping-related experience with Hague Rules, Hague-Visby Rules, Hamburg Rules, Rotterdam Rules, COGSA, as well as Institute Cargo Clauses;
industry-specific experience in aerospace, artificial intelligence (AI), automotive, blockchain, construction, DeFi, finance, food & feed, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, retail & distribution, robotics, tourism, transportation, turn-key plant development;
arbitration experience under UNCITRAL Rules, ICC Rules, London Rules, VIAC Rules, Swiss Rules, AAA Rules, IBA Rules and Guidelines